LWVLM Student Members Launch A County-wide Campaign for Youth Engagement

Max Szuchman and Emma Freeman, Mamaroneck High School Juniors, were recognized at the annual convention of the LWV Westchester Annual Meeting on June 6, 2024, for their leadership as student directors of the Youth Corps, a committee of the League’s Board of Directors. The Youth Corps promotes voting and civic participation by high school and college students.

L to R: Maya Barmecha, Laura Auffarth, LWVW President Kathy Meany, and Emma Freeman (MHS) and Max Szuchman (MHS), missing: Eliza Fink, at the Annual Convention of the LWV of Westchester, June 6, 2024

The Youth Corps’ first project this year solicited submissions for public service announcements (PSAs) from 16–24-year-old students who had participated in the LWV programs Students Inside Albany and Running & Winning. The purpose of the PSAs is to explain to young voters why voting matters and to highlight the importance of voter engagement and civic participation.

Future plans for the Youth Corps include Instagram messages on voting, voter registration and a voter education class. Max and Emma’s team are determined to get out the vote (GOTV) and to excite their generation about the change they can affect through voting. As Emma said, “Together, we can ensure that the next generation is engaged and informed.”

The LWVW Youth Corps began in 2020 with 20 high school and college students. Members participated in voter registration drives; helped elderly and disabled voters reach voter lines; distributed snacks to voters waiting in long lines; developed GOTV videos for distribution; and launched Instagram GOTV messaging. Today the Youth Corps has members across New York State, who also join County

Government, Environment and Voter Service committees of the LWV, and work with other youth groups across NYS as part of the New York Civics Initiative (NYYCI) program.

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