Flip Your Ballot for Prop 1 (ERA) and County Prop 2024-1 (County Terms From 2 to 4 Years)

On the reverse side of your 2024 General Election ballot there will be two propositions. Here are the two ballot measures in their actual language.

  • Proposition One: If passed this proposal will safeguard equal rights against discrimination by the government by enshrining them in the State’s constitution.

Ballot Language Follows:

“Proposal One, an amendment. Amendment to Protect Against Unequal Treatment. This proposal would protect against unequal treatment based on ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnancy. It also protects against unequal treatment based on reproductive healthcare and autonomy. A “YES” vote puts these protections in the New York State Constitution. A “NO” vote leaves these protections out of the State Constitution.”

[ ] Yes  [ ] No

  •  County Proposition 2024-1: If passed it will lengthen the terms for County Legislators from two years to four years.

Ballot Language Follows:

“Should individuals serving in the position of Westchester County Legislator serve four-year terms instead of two-year terms?”

[ ] Yes  [ ] No